Cil City – Crazy, Intense, Loud! (English Version below)
Crazy, Intense, Loud: dafür stehen die Österreicher, die sich 2014 in Wien zusammengefunden haben, um mit geballter Frauenpower die Rock Szene zu entern. Auftritte bei namhaften Veranstaltungen, wie z.B. Nova Rock, Donauinselfest, Frequency oder Full Metal Mountain folgten wie auch diverse Club-Shows in Deutschland, Österreich und Tschechien.
2015 präsentierte Cil City mit dem Debutalbum „Red Ocean" eine erste Sammlung von Eigenkompositionen, 2019 folgte Album #2 "Jump off the Cliff".
Zu den Highlights der Band zählen sicherlich die Auftritte auf der Kiss Kruise zwischen Los Angeles und Mexiko. 2023 folgte die Amadeus-Nominierung.
In ihren aktuellen Singles "Majesty" und "Good Girl" ist eine deutliche Entwicklung Richtung Modern Rock zu hören.
Getoppt wird die energiegeladene Musik noch durch die fulminante Live-Show, die das Publikum regelmäßig zum schweißtreibenden Tanzen und Headbangen mitreißt!
Cil City - Crazy, Intense, Loud!
Crazy, intense and loud! Established 2014 to conquer the rock music scene with a unique blend of a booming and powerful female lead voice, heavy guitar riffs and raw beats. Cil City released their first collection of originals with their debut album "Red Ocean" in 2015, paying tribute to the legendary sound of Classic Rock. Soon the band performed at renowned events such as Nova Rock Festival, Frequency Festival and Full Metal Mountain, besides touring Europe at a regular basis.
Cil City released their second album “Jump off the Cliff” in 2019, which was heavily inspired by the sound of the 80s Rock and Metal legends. “Jump off the Cliff” was followed by various singles and live tracks.
Among the band's highlights are certainly their performances on the Kiss Kruise between Los Angeles and Mexico. In 2023, they received an Amadeus nomination.
In their current singles "Majesty" and "Good Girl," a clear development towards Modern Rock can be heard. The energetic music is further topped by the spectacular live show, which regularly gets the audience dancing and headbanging with sweat-inducing enthusiasm!
Cil City's energetic music and sexy show create the perfect rock party, making the crowd go wild!